(Paperback) Secrets of Race & Conciousness: The Spiritual Meaning of The N Word
Spirituality/Religion, Philosophy, Metaphysical, Africana Studies, Psychology, Social Thought
Fasten your seatbelt as you read the spell un-binding, Secrets of Race & Consciousness
Afrikan Cosmology of Kemet with The Spiritual Meaning of The ‘N’ Word(s)
Neggur - The Goose Goddess who laid the Sun Egg, the Cosmic Egg.
This book lifts the veil and frees the human mind from its spell of illusion. It unveils the secrets of Race and Consciousness and squarely confronts the major issue in Psychology, Religion, and any major field of human inquiry: that is, one cannot tell the story of the Psycho/Spiritual Journey of Unfolding Human Consciousness with all the necessary inclusivity required, unless they are willing to tell the truth about the Greatness of the Afrikan/Negro, the Black Race. One minute we are Sages, the next moment we are savages. What a conundrum! Yet, what goes around, comes around full cycle, and you will hopefully see that Sage and Savage belong to ‘no one race’ but are inherent in the Psycho/Spiritual Journey itself.
The Afrikan origin of the Ancient wisdom in this book pioneers the New Psychology and reveals deeper metaphysical meaning of the words Negro, Ham, Nigger, Cracker, Aryan, Semitic, Lemurian, and more. As such, the power of these words to confuse and wound is dispelled and dissipated, giving the human family a whole new vantage point to view the collective journey in unfolding consciousness. It penetrates into the Metu Neter - Ka Ab Ba, (called Hieroglyphics by the Greeks) and finds ‘so called’ modern Psychoanalytic theory, the Pythagorean Theorem and more under the veil. This ‘seeming’ journey has led humanity down the Tree of Life from the higher Spiritual realms in consciousness into the dense lower material realms of consciousness. Today, as One Human Family, we are gathering ‘closer together’ due to technological advances in communication and travel which makes the Earth seem smaller. Our Planet Earth reels from our collective mismanagement and collective consciousness in having built a world askew the divinely intended archetectual design. Our future depends upon what we now choose to do in our closer proximity. Gaining deeper meaning of Race and Consciousness, we must now offer up the sum total of the ‘parts’ we have played as ONE whole humanity. In the sum total of our collective consciousness we must now work to uplift our Earth through re-Sacredization and re-Spiritualization.
Editor’s Review: Adisa Makalani, Editor, Classic Transcripts
Dr. Terri Nelson’s work provides us an opportunity to understand how harmony and unity were lost by Afrikan people, but may yet be reacquired for the whole human family. Understanding the spirit of the Ka Ab Ba is the blueprint for the reascension to our full humanity. She articulates our spiritual connections, evidencing that she is a devotee of esoteric/exoteric scholarship. She is simultaneously in the tradition and the vanguard of Afrikan spirituality. She stands in the tradition of Dr. Alfred Ligon and Dr. Ra Un Nefer Amen, whose works have inspired her. Also she compliments others such as Gerald Massey, John G. Jackson and Dr. Charles S. Finch III by extending their ideas. Pay close attention to the analysis of the word Negro; Dr. Nelson’s dissection of the word provides food for thought which goes far beyond the improper Spaniard or Portuguese description. Our scholar delves into antiquity to elicit a deeper understanding. In that realm we are provided with an understanding which yields more meaning, more capability and more responsibility for us as divinities on earth. We look forward to continued offerings from this scholar and her fresh approach. ISBN: 0-9659600-8-0